Certification of non-destructive testing training and non-destructive testing pe
NDT Training is NDT Training.
NDT is also known as NDT, or NDT. Is on the premise of not damage the specimen, by means of physical and chemical methods, with the help of advanced technology and equipment, on the surface of specimen and internal structure, properties, and status test method. A general term for various technical methods to examine the macro defect of the artifact or to measure the characteristics of the artifact.
Why do non-destructive testing training
Nondestructive testing is the most reliable method to control product quality. The implementation of bad NDT can cause security problems, causing serious economic losses to importers, and more frightening is the impact on your company's reputation. Professionals who are engaged in non-destructive testing require special training, special skills and experience, and certificates of qualification to be trusted and approved. Such training and assessment are provided by the corresponding non-destructive testing institutions and institutes. The society will conduct non-destructive testing and training courses according to their own expertise, professional fields or international standards. The inspector must pass the assessment and obtain the qualification to determine whether the test result he has issued is approved.
Domestic non-destructive testing training situation
The national non-destructive testing society will hold training courses regularly and carry out relevant examinations. Which mostly in NDT training certification for all sorts of different areas and regional society for nondestructive testing, have certain independence, this independence is bad for the circulation of the industry, but more belong to the technology more deeply. But there has been a recent trend of consolidation and optimization. This kind of optimization will be beneficial to the unified domestic training assessment standard, accelerate the development of the industry.
China training system
International nondestructive testing standard ISO 9712 is prepared by the international technical committee. The China NDT has been linked to eight government agencies or industrial sectors. This several NDT qualification certification bodies respectively established their respective NDT personnel assessment rules, students need to do the industry has obtained the corresponding qualification, can work in the field of nondestructive testing.
The NDT corresponding qualification is obtained through domestic related learning
Nondestructive testing is mainly the domestic several organization training and examination, respectively is: the Chinese association of special equipment inspection, the nuclear industry non-destructive testing center, the Chinese mechanical engineering society, the ministry of railways, China classification society, and so on. They have in-depth training and assessment mechanism for their industry, and they have low mutual recognition. About 1-2 training sessions are held each year, and some less special training (such as TOFD) may be delayed by one or two years due to the lack of applicants. The domestic society usually invites the professional personnel of the industry to teach. But most of these lecturers are part-time teachers who have their own jobs and have some instability in teaching quality. Domestic are generally large class teaching (dozens to hundreds of people), will focus on theory teaching, because of the personnel and limited space, the practical aspects of the training is relatively small, but the price is low. A typical skill, such as UT, is a few thousand dollars, excluding accommodation. To understand domestic corresponding industry NDT training examination time, the corresponding official website, please understand and submit registration information, according to the requirements of their training after payment, generally a skill in 20 days or so (details please consult you need to learn). The company has obtained the EN473 and ASNT international qualification in mainland China
International nondestructive testing training
Internationally, nondestructive testing standards have certain universality, the more common nondestructive testing standard of qualification (such as the eu based on EN473 PCN certification is the global standard), are run by large of nondestructive testing institutions, and to pass on the European Union and the United States and other places. The mainstream non-destructive testing standards in the European Union and the United States are compatible, but they are incompatible. But international standards are much more common than the independence of every NDT society in the country! More famous Swedish nondestructive testing association, for example, the British association of nondestructive testing (NDT) methods, the European Union, Australia wide recognition, some American customers also recognized), and the American society for nondestructive testing are the world's largest (ASNT, pan American, some European customers agree). These international societies will authorize qualified non-destructive testing and training institutions around the world to represent their training examinations and to issue certificates. International training system of common nondestructive testing (NDT) training system, in accordance with ISO9712 standards, combined with the actual situation of the country or the region, to develop a series of nondestructive testing personnel training standards and requirements. For example: the training system: annually - TC - 1 a, ASNT, American society for nondestructive testing ACCP training system: European nondestructive testing BINDT nondestructive testing institute, Sweden, the UK society for nondestructive testing (EN473 standards certification). EN473 - the qualification of non-destructive testing personnel in European countries is based on the EN473 standard or according to the EN473 standard, a system suitable for the identification and certification of nondestructive testing personnel for their country.
International nondestructive testing training introduction
The international non-destructive testing and training assessment has been developed for many years. The conditions of running a school are very mature, and the qualification is recognized globally. Unless you meet certain clients with special inclinations, you must have specific qualifications in a certain country or industry (domestic learning is very low in mutual recognition, causing industry barriers). Generally speaking, the European standard EN473 certificate is widely recognized in the European Union and Australia and is recognized in the americas. While ASNT is widely recognized in the americas, it will also gain recognition in the European Union. (after leaving home, or to see whether the customer have any special preferences) international NDT training are generally small class teaching (class 1) not more than 10 people, attach great importance to both theory and field such as level 2 personnel training is basically a machine hand, there are very many opportunities in field. A common skill, such as UT, is around 10,000 RMB, excluding accommodation.